Declaring allergens and ingredients on your canteen’s menu

Flexischools News & Media
20 February 2024

Flexischools canteen managers have a simple and easy way to make sure their menu lists relevant food allergens and ingredients, so their customers can make an informed decision about menu items they choose to purchase.

We know that for busy canteen operators, stopping to take calls from parents looking to find our if a food item contains a particular allergen, can be a lengthy process.

Ensuring consistency when there are volunteer, or casual team members answering questions can also add to the challenge.

Flexischools’ simple solution, allows canteen managers to add allergen information to each menu item, which means that this information is displayed to the customer in connection with the food item being sold.

And, because the solution relies on free-text fields, there is unlimited scope to inform customers about allergens and ingredients.

Allergen labelling via the Flexischools menu can help canteens comply with the requirements of the Food Standards Code.

Flexischools canteen operators can view simple instructions for declaring allergens in menu items, via the Supplier Portal.

Resources and information

Food Standards Australia and New Zealand

Food Standards Australia - allergen labelling poster

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